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Senior Care News

What Changes Are Normal When Aging?

24-Hour Home Care in Edenton NC
24-Hour Home Care in Edenton NC

The truth is as your loved one gets older, your senior’s body will change. Some of these changes are normal, and if there are changes you’re not so sure about, it’s time to encourage your loved one to go to the doctor. If your loved one can’t keep track of all of the changes they’re experiencing, you should not judge them; in fact, it may be time to look for more help while they choose to age in place. 24-hour home care can help your loved one pay attention to normal changes and those that are not. These caregivers will help inform a doctor of any changes and help keep the family informed too. But what are normal changes? Here are some things to be aware of.

Height Change is Normal

Do you ever hear your parents complain about their height changing? Or maybe they tell you they used to be taller? Well, it’s possible and may even be true. This should not concern your loved one, and it is often a normal part of aging. Seniors may experience a decrease in height primarily due to age-related changes in the spine, including loss of fluid and elasticity in the intervertebral discs and changes in bone density, leading to compression of the spine, making them appear shorter.

Changes In Skin Appearance

As a person ages, their skin may produce less oil, which can impact their skin’s elasticity. This may cause your loved ones skin to become dryer, and this is why it is so crucial to moisturize skin throughout the day. 24-hour home care can help a senior put on moisturizer after showers, after sun exposure, or even throughout the day when they feel dry. One of the best ways to protect an aging person’s skin is by using SPF and covering up from the sun.

Vision Impairments Can Be Normal

Overtime eye strain can be a normal part of aging. However, if your senior is completely blind in one eye or their eyes are in pain, this could be something more serious to be aware of, and they should go to an eye doctor immediately. On the other hand, if they need reading glasses or need large print books, this is a normal part of aging and may not be anything to worry about. Your senior should be going to their eye doctor once a year to maintain optimal eye health.

Sleeping Habits

A senior needs to sleep a regular amount of 7-8 hours of sleep a night. However, their sleeping habits and patterns may change as they get older, but this doesn’t mean they should be sleeping any less. Your loved one may start going to bed earlier and waking up earlier in the morning. This is not always concerning and may just make their routines shift. On the other hand, if they start sleeping through the day and all night, this can be caused by various diseases and is something you should manage and monitor. 24-hour home care can help a senior stick to a night time routine.

If you or an aging loved one are considering 24-hour home care in Edenton, NC, please contact the caring staff at East Carolina Home Care today. Call (252) 335-1409.

Providing quality home care for seniors and families in and around Canton, Edenton, Ahoskie, South Mills, Moyock, Windsor, Plymouth, Manteo, Kill Devil Hills and Elizabeth City in North Carolina.

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