Providing exceptional senior care in Greenville, Rocky Mount, Tarboro, & Hookerton, NC, and surrounding areas.

Senior Care News

National Eye Exam Month: What Happens if Your Dad Has Macular Degeneration?

24-Hour Home Care in Kinston NC
24-Hour Home Care in Kinston NC

August is National Eye Exam Month and a good time for your dad to see his eye doctor if he hasn’t lately. It’s the best way to catch progressive eye conditions like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration. What if he’s been diagnosed with macular degeneration? How will his needs change? Here are some tips for navigating this change, and how 24-hour home care can help.

What Is Macular Degeneration?

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) occurs when part of the eye known as the macula deteriorates. The macula is part of your retina, and its role is to control your central (straight in front of you) vision. It doesn’t take all of your vision, but it does create blurred patches in your central vision that make it difficult to complete daily routines.

There are two forms of AMD: dry (atrophic) and wet (advanced neovascular). Dry is the most common. Dry AMD occurs when the macula starts to thin out with age, and it progresses slowly over the years but cannot be cured. Supplements can help slow the progression.

There are three stages to dry AMD:

  • Early – No symptoms
  • Intermediate – Mild blurriness or trouble seeing clearly in dim lighting
  • Late – Blurred central vision and straight lines can look crooked

Wet AMD is less common and progresses quickly. It occurs when blood vessels grow abnormally in the back of the eye and cause damage to the macula. It always starts in the late stage. It can’t be cured, but it can be treated with injectable medications or laser treatments.

As AMD worsens, the blurred central vision makes it impossible to do simple things like see a person’s face, read a book, watch TV, drive a car, clean his home, do the laundry, pay bills, cook meals, or even find the right medication to take. Support at home is essential if your dad is going to age in place.

What Can 24-Hour Home Care Do?

All day and night, your dad has caregivers available to be his eyes. He might not be able to see clearly, but 24-hour home care can help him see. His caregiver can read his prescription and non-prescription pill bottles or packages to make sure he takes the correct one.

His caregiver is there to make sure he gets from one room to the next without bumping into items. His caregiver can help him choose the correct product while he showers.

Your dad’s caregiver will cook his meals, prepare his snacks, and accompany him to the grocery store to make sure he purchases the right items. His caregiver drives him to stores, businesses, and medical offices. He also has a caregiver to help him make payments, pay bills, and read and sort his mail.

With 24-hour home care, your dad is never alone. If he wakes up in the middle of the night and needs help getting to the bathroom, his caregiver is there and ready to help him. Call a 24-hour home care specialist to learn about this around-the-clock service that supports him all day and all night.

If you or an aging loved one are considering 24-hour home care in Kinston, NC, please contact the caring staff at East Carolina Home Care today. Call (252) 321-5510.

Providing quality home care for seniors and families in and around Greenville, Rocky Mount, Tarboro, Hookerton, Farmville, Elm City, Wilson, Kinston, Snow Hill, Williamson, Goldsboro, and Washington in North Carolina.

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